Blue Belt

Blue Belt (6th Gup)



  • Roundhouse, Back-pivot, Axe Kick

  • Front Snap Kick, Crescent Kick, Skipping Sidekick

  • Side Kick, Back-Pivot Kick, Jump Front Snap Kick

Sparring Footwork Drills

  • Forward, Back, Switch, Forward, Back, Switch

  • Roundhouse, Back, Switch roundhouse, Back, Step-Over Roundhouse, Back, skip roundhouse

  • Roundhouse, Back & Block, Roundhouse

  • Roundhouse, Back, Wing-block Back Pivot

  • Roundhouse, step-over Axe


Taegeuk Sa Jang (4th) - Thunder - symbolizes the "Jin", one of the 8 divination signs, which represents the thunder meaning great power and dignity. New techniques are Twin Knife-hand Block, Spear-hand Attack, Swallow Form Knife-hand Strike, Side Kick, Outward Middle Block, Back-fist Strike, It is characterized by various movements in preparation for the sparring. 18 Movements.

    • Joon Bi

    • Turn Left 90° - Left back stance - Left double knife hand block

    • Step forward into Right front stance - Right supported spear hand (also described as a left [reverse] pressing block + right spear hand)

    • Turn Right 180° - Right back stance - Right double knife hand block

    • Step forward into Left front stance - Left supported spear hand (also described as a right [reverse] pressing block + left spear hand)

    • Turn left 90° - Left front stance - Left open-hand high block + reverse inside knifehand strike

    • Right front kick (keeping the hands in the Left open-hand high block + reverse inside knifehand strike) - Landing in a right front stance - Left (reverse) middle punch

    • Left side kick

    • Right side kick - landing in Right back stance - Right double knife hand block

    • Turn Left 270° (pivoting on ball of right foot) - Left back stance - Left outside forearm block

    • Right front snap kick - return to Left back stance - Right (reverse) inside block

    • Turn Right 180° - Right back stance - Right outside forearm block

    • Left front snap kick landing - return to Right back stance - Left (reverse) inside block

    • Turn left 90° - Left front stance - Left open-hand high block + reverse inside knifehand strike

    • Right front kick (keeping the hands in the Left open-hand high block + reverse inside knifehand strike) - Landing in a right front stance - Right rolling back fist to the nose

    • Turn Left 90° - Left walking stance - Left inside block - Right (reverse) punch

    • Turn Right 180° - Right walking stance - Right inside block - Left (reverse) punch

    • Turn Left 90° - Left front stance - Left inside block - Double middle punch (right first)

    • Step forward into Right front stance - Right inside block - Double middle punch (left first) - !!KIAP!!

    • Joon Bi

Three Step Sparring

There are five Blue Belt Three Step defenses. All three step defenses begin with attacker stepping back into a left front stance + low block and signaling their readiness with a Kiap. Defender starts from Joon Be and signals their readiness with a Kiap. The Attacker steps forward with three single middle section punches...

    1. Three outward middle blocks, one with each step back (Back Stances)

    2. Left hand grabs opponents wrist, right hand palm strike to face

    3. Right foot steps under opponent's arm

    4. Right hand replaces left, pivot 180 left, left knife strike to inner thigh/groin

    5. Left foot steps back, left hand replaces right

    6. Right upper cut to armpit + Ki-ap

    1. Three inward middle blocks one with each step back (Back Stances)

    2. Grab top of opponent's hand and turn upwards, left leg front snap kick

    3. Slide in, lifting opponent's arm, right knife hand to chest

    4. Grab uniform, right leg sweep

    5. Heel stomp + Kiap

    1. Three outward middle blocks, one with each step back (Back Stances)

    2. Grab opponent's wrist, right leg roundhouse kick (high)

    3. Land right foot forward, right elbow strike to face

    4. Double grab opponent's wrist, rotate clockwise under opponent's arm, bring their fist to their should, release your right hand to raise their elbow high in the air

    5. Right leg sweep while keeping control of their arm

    6. Go down to one knee, replace right hand with left on opponent's elbow, right punch to face + Ki-ap

    1. Three outward middle blocks, one with each step back (Back Stances)

    2. Double push block to the right (right hand goes behind left)

    3. Slide to left grabbing opponent's wrist with right hand

    4. Left punch across face

    5. Open Left hand and slap to chest (this would be a knife hand to the neck in a real situation), sweep with inside/left leg

    6. Replace right hand with left grabbing opponent's wrist, right heel stomp

    1. Three outward middle blocks, one with each step back (Back Stances)

    2. Left hand grabs opponents wrist, right upper punch to face

    3. Right circular elbow strike

    4. Middle/thumb grab elbow, right foot steps under opponent's arm

    5. Continue behind opponent and secure choke hold to submission

Free Sparring

One opponent

Legal contact area and point area

Basic sparring techniques

Combination kicks and use punches

Board Breaking

Back Pivot Kick


    • 30 Pushups

    • 30 Crunches/Sit-ups


  • All Previous Stances


  • Twin Knife-hand Block

  • Outward Middle Block

  • Middle Block


    • Back Pivot Kick

    • Wheel Kick

  • Spinning Hook Kick

  • Spinning Crescent Kick

Minimum Class Attendance

Three months of training

General Knowledge

  • Club Rules

    • Student Creeds

    • Count to 10 in Korean

    • Basic sparring techniques

    • Sparring Rules

      • Legal contact area and point area

Philosophical Goal

Self Control (Geuk Gi – 극기)

Examples of verbal questions judges at promotion test might ask

    • What is the meaning of self control?

    • What is the Meaning of Taegeuk Sa Jang?



    • Spear-hand Attack

    • Backfist