Welcome New Students
We're happy you are or are considering working out with us. Here's some useful information.
Why is this a Club and not a School?
Westerville Tae Kwon Do is a club, not a school because none of the instructors are full-time. WTKD is not a business. All of our instructors are certified through the World Taekwondo Masters Association and we have many years of experience as instructors. But we all have full-time jobs unrelated to taekwondo. WTKDClub is blessed to have access to a wonderful facility for training. We are able to meet twice per week at Heritage Christian Church in room 230 (the Children's large multi-purpose room).
Interested in Becoming a WTKD Club Member / Student
We are always accepting new students. We encourage anyone interested in joining to come watch and/or try a couple classes.
Our requirement for membership is that each student, or guardian if they are under 18, fills out and signs a club membership and liability waver form. We have these available in class. This is not a contract and students just go month to month.
Our Junior Belt class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM. This is one class with all ages and belt ranks (White, Yellow, Orange, Green & Blue Belts) together. We break out into different belt groups for working on rank/promotion requirements, but some portion of the time is spent with the whole class together.
Our membership is $40/month with a $5 discount for each additional family member; the second member is $25/month, the third is $20/month, and so on. We have quarterly tests for rank advancement. For testing we require students to have a Westerville Tae Kwon Do club patch on their uniform. The uniforms that we sell in class have this embroidered on them. Testing fees for color belts are $40.
If you have any questions you are welcome to talk to one of the instructors before or after class.
Typical Class
We start our Junior Belt class at 6:00 PM and end around 7:00. Please feel free to come a few minutes early to warm up and stretch before class. Our normal routine includes:
Line up
Bow In
Tip Testing/Evaluations
Line up
Junior Belts bow Out
Line Up
Each class starts with the students lining up by belt rank. We typically line up 5 people across; listen for the instructors instructions in case this changes. We start by having all students and any visitors/guests gather at the back wall and then line up by rank.
The most senior student starts at the front right of the room and we line up from right to left, then create a new row starting on the right. There should be at least 4 feet between rows. Students who have forgotten part of their uniform (belt, pants or top) line up after the last fully uniformed white-belt; regardless of rank.
Visitors, guests and students who do not yet have a uniform line up at the very back of the class.
Bow In
At the beginning and end of each class we bow to the flags and our instructor; This is a sign of respect and honor.
This time is given to focus our minds and prepare our bodies. Sitting quietly and breathing helps your body prepare for and recover from physical activity. We sometimes use this time to review some Korean terminology.
We spend a few minutes warming up and stretching to help prevent injuries. Tae Kwon Do is an Art that requires good physical conditioning, more than we can provide in two 60 minute sessions per week. We encourage students to exercise regularly outside of class.
The bulk of each class is spent learning and perfecting our requirements for the next belt level. For each test you are required to learn:
Forms: 1 or 2 choreographed sets of movements and techniques.
1 Steps: 5 (or more) predefined defense/counterattack techniques against an opponent who attacks with a pre-defined attack.
Sparring: This is unchoreographed "fighting" against another student. Demonstration of techniques and defense are the goal for sparring. All students should exercise strict control so as not to injure fellow students.
Breaking: Each belt requires a different kicking technique to break a 1" pine board.
Tip Testing or Evaluations
We take time during a few classes per quarter to evaluate each student's progress. This helps us determine when students are ready to test and move on to learn additional requirements.
We take time to practice sparring. We normally practice what we call "Light/No Contact" sparring in class. The objective is NOT to hurt our sparring partner, but to practice the fundamentals of sparring. We work on movement, defense, counter-attacks and proper techniques to legal sparring targets. Students are required to use control and to not make hard contact. Students are encouraged to purchase and bring protective gear. We do have tournament sparring gear (chest protectors, helmets) for use when we practice tournament sparring.
End of Class
At the end of each class, we line up again. The instructor may have some comments on the class and/or announcements regarding upcoming events. We bow out and the instructor dismisses the class.
Late Arrival
If you arrive after the class has lined up and bowed in, you must obtain permission from the instructor before joining the class. Get fully dressed for class, remove shoes, socks, etc., and go to the front of the class on the side. Wait for the instructor to bow you in and listen for any instructions he may give you. Then you may line up in the back of the class.
Uniforms (do bak)
Once you have become a member and have a uniform, you are required to wear it to each class. You should also keep it clean and well cared for. Students may purchase WTKD Tee Shirts to wear in place of their uniform top during the summer months.
Sitting Properly
During any class, test or special event for taekwondo, students are required to sit properly. This demonstrates respect and discipline. Students may sit either on their knees or cross-legged (Indian style).
Addressing Instructors
When an instructor calls on a student or group of students for action; the proper response is a loud "Yes Sir" or "Yes Mam". When asking for information or permission to leave class, students should bow and wait for an acknowledgment. Addressing instructors or senior belt ranks should include their title and last name. e.g.: Master Konrath, Master McGee, or Master Pagniano.
Entering and Leaving Class (do jang)
We are grateful that Heritage Christian Church allows us to use their facility. Please follow all of their rules regarding sign-in and sign-out and having an adult escort children under the age of 15 through the Church to and from class. Additionally, in the Korean tradition, we show respect to our training area by bowing upon entry and exit. A proper bow is performed facing into the class, from the doorway.
Class behavior
We expect all students and parents to demonstrate proper classroom behavior. We are all here to learn and expect students to listen and obey instructors. We also ask parents to respect the time and effort of our instructors by helping students stay focused. Chatting with other parents and/or allowing younger children to wander and make noise is distracting and disrespectful.
Awards and incentives
Our goal is to help each student do the best they can. We give quarterly awards, in-class incentives and the Black Belt Club to help motivate students. Please see an instructor for additional details.