White Belt
White Belt (10th Gup)
Front Snap Kick
Roundhouse Kick
Side Kick
Back-pivot Kick
Jump Front Snap Kick
Sparring Footwork Drills
Forward, Back, Switch, Forward, Back, Switch
Roundhouse, Switch roundhouse
Roundhouse, Step-Over Roundhouse
Roundhouse, skip roundhouse
Kibon Il Jang - “Basics”. Form number one. All movements are performed in a front stance. All techniques are performed with the same side hand as the lead foot. 20 movements.
Joon Bi (Ready Stance)
Look left, turn 90° left, left front stance + low block
Step forward, right stance + middle section punch
Turn 180° right, right front stance + low block
Step forward, left stance + middle section punch
Turn 90° left, left front stance + low block
Step forward, right stance + middle section punch
Step forward, left stance + middle section punch
Step forward, right stance + middle section punch + Kiap (yell!)
Turn 270° left, left front stance + low block
Step forward, right stance + middle section punch
Turn 180° right, right front stance + low block
Step forward, left stance + middle section punch
Turn 90° left, left front stance + low block
Step forward, right stance + middle section punch
Step forward, left stance + middle section punch
Step forward, right stance + middle section punch + Kiap (yell!)
Turn 270° left, left front stance + low block
Step forward, right stance + middle section punch
Turn 180° right, right front stance + low block
Step forward, left stance + middle section punch
Joon Bi (Ready Stance)
One Step Sparring
There are five White Belt One Steps. All one steps begin with the attacker stepping back into a left front stance + low block and signaling their readiness with a Kiap. The defender starts from a Ready Stance (Joon Bi) (except # 5 ) and signals their readiness with a Kiap. The Attacker steps forward with a single middle section punch.
Step right at a slight inward angle, into a riding horse stance and execute a left open-hand block. Next, execute a right-hand middle punch to the attacker's solarplexus + Ki-ap.
Step forward into a horse stance executing a right hand wrist inward block. Pull the front foot back so feet are together and back-fist + Ki-ap.
Step right, inward angle, into a riding horse stance, executing a left knife hand block + right knife hand strike to neck + Ki-ap.
Step left, inward angle, into a riding horse stance, executing a right hand block, open hand. Left hand middle punch + Ki-ap.
Step back with right foot into a fighting stance and Ki-ap. Right front snap kick, land inward angle, into a riding horse stance, executing a left hand block, open hand. Right hand middle punch + Ki-ap.
Free Sparring
Not required for testing
Front Snap Kick
Low Block
Middle Block
High Block
Minimum Class Attendance
Three months of training
10 Pushups
10 Crunches/Sit-ups
Ready Stance
Front Stance
Back Stance
Riding Horse Stance
Walking Stance
General Knowledge
How to tie the belt
How to come to attention and bow
School Name
Instructor Names
Student Creeds
I intend to develop myself in a positive manner and to avoid anything that would reduce my mental growth or physical health.
I intend to develop self-discipline in order to bring out the best in myself and others.
I intend to use what I learn in class constructively and defensively, to help myself and my fellow man, and to never be abusive or offensive.
Korean Numbers
Riding Horse Stance + Single Middle Punch
Riding Horse Stance + Double Middle Punch
Philosophical Goal
Respect (E Daehayeo - 에 대하여)
Examples of verbal questions judges at promotion test might ask
What is the name of the Martial Art are you learning?
Which country does Tae Kwon Do come from?
What is the meaning of Respect?